At the Center for Violence Prevention we offer lectures, workshops & teaching.

Mini-training for professionals

Briefly about the course

The project's teachers invite the team through knowledge about violence, concrete methods for preventing violence and healing after violence - also to professionals. You can expect to learn more about a new concept of violence, including how violence exists at different levels in society and how structural violence affects most people differently. The course is based on an intersectional approach to power, in order to understand how violence is dynamic and affects minority positions, e.g. gendered minorities. A reading will be sent to the participants before each course session. We will particularly delve into how you, as a bystander, relative or in a vulnerable position, can support yourself or others.

The course lasts in total six hours spread over two dates. It is for free for members. You can sign up right here or fill in the e-mail form further down the page 

Offer for educational institutions

Price & booking

We visit schools throughout the country. The starting price is DKK 3,400 per teaching hour. When booking several presentations, the price per presentation. Book presentations in the form at the bottom of the page.

We offer several different presentations that can be adapted to school, high school or vocational school.

Violence in boyfriend & girlfriend relationships

Most people will at some point in their lives witness, be exposed to, or perpetrate violence. It is therefore important that we talk about how the violence starts and what is needed to prevent it, or interrupt it if it develops. In total, the presentation lasts 90 minutes, i.e. 2 times 45 minutes excluding break.

  • With this presentation, we teach students concrete violence prevention methods both as bystanders but also if they themselves should be exposed to violence in a close relationship. 

  • The students will, among other things, learn about the 'violence ladder', 'law bombing' and psychological violence.

Well-being & violence prevention education

This presentation is based on an increasing trend towards implicit and explicit forms of violence that particularly affect young people. Photo sharing without consent, sexual harassment, transgressive behavior and domestic violence, to name a few current issues.

Well-being education is based on building toolboxes with an understanding of power relations, boundaries, consent-based communication and community.

Particularly in the primary school segment, we have identified a lack of teaching with a focus on violence-related knowledge as well as communities that provide the individual students with strong networks where, based on their own life positions, they can have conversations about what violence is and in that way contribute to to prevent violence in all its forms before it happens. 

In collaboration with both the class and class teacher, we work to co-create new ways of talking about community and togetherness.

We offer presentations, workshops and many different forms of interactive teaching, such as performance theater and anonymous mailboxes, where all questions are welcome and where we invite the class to engage in dialogue. 

It is recommended that at least one double lesson is booked.

Gender, body & sexuality

Through presentations on gender, body and sexuality, we focus on how norms have developed over time, and examine together how these affect the students. The presentation is also about understanding the connection between body and mind. 

Presentation on CFV's Femicide Watch

kort af femicide

In 2021, the Center for Violence Prevention started the effort: Femicide Watch Denmark, with the aim of monitoring and analyzing murders of women. On average, 11 women are killed each year by a partner, ex-partner, a family member, another known relation or a stranger. The organization has mapped 309 murders of women since 2000, and continuously obtains access to documents. Against the background of the largest dataset on homicides in Denmark to date, the Center for Violence Prevention holds lectures with knowledge from the effort and shares tools for spotting early violence and preventing homicides.

Price and booking

We visit schools throughout the country. The starting price is DKK 3,400 per teaching hour. When booking several presentations, the price per presentation is reduced. presentation.

To book, fill in the e-mail form further down the page.

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